Filling in the Client Import Sheet

Client Name: Enter in the Name or Company Name of the client. This is a required field.

Active: Enter true for Active and False for Inactive.

Industry: Using the Industry_Lookup Tab you can copy and paste in the industry the client is in.



Balance: Enter in the current balance that the client has with you.

CreditLimit: Enter in the current credit limit for the client.

SalesRep: Enter in the email address of the sales rep assigned to the client.

WebsiteAddress: Enter in the URL of the clients website

TaxType: Select the TaxTypes_lookup tab and copy and paste the correct option in this column.

PaymentDueDate: Enter in the number of days the client has to pay. This is a required Field.

PaymentType: Go to the Payment_Types_Lookup tab and copy and paste in the payment type for this client. This is a required field.

Currency: Please type in the Currency code, if you are unsure you can google the code.

Name: Enter in the contact persons Name. This is a required field.

Surname: Enter in the contact persons Surname. This is a required field.

JobTitle: Enter in the job tile of the contact person

Telephone: Enter in the company landline number if they have one.

Mobile: Enter in the contact persons

Email: Enter in the contact persons email address. This is a required field.

Contact Country: Enter the name of the country that the contact person is from.

Postal and Shipping Address: Enter in the billing and postal address of the contact person.

Last updated