

Supplier Feeds

We are thrilled to announce new and improved supplier feeds in OrderEazi. The following are all available to use in OrderEazi:

  • Amrod

  • Headwear24

  • KMQ

The Amrod feed uses the latest version of the Amrod API! These integrations use our brand-new app framework to enable fast and efficient data transfer from a supplier directly into your OrderEazi. Watch this space, there is much more to come!

New ERP Integration: Palladium

We are proud to share that we have a new ERP integration with Palladium. It allows the bi-directional sync of items, products, suppliers and price lists.

All your usual documents will also sync through to Palladium, just like they do for Xero and SageOne.

Multi-Currency Updates

OrderEazi will now automatically convert from a supplier's currency to your organisation's currency when viewing pricing on a project.

When you search for products to sell to your customers, you will also see converted currency values.

Minor updates and fixes

  • Warehouse transfer details display similarly to all other warehouse process details

  • Warehouse Transfer doesn't try to dispatch twice anymore

  • The Item Movement Report now reports on stock-level edits. Minor layout changes were also done to the report.

  • SageOne: You can now use long usernames when enabling the integration in OrderEazi

  • You were not able to create a Disposal in some instances, this has been corrected

  • Email merge fields are correctly applied to emails to suppliers when sent from a workflow

  • Completed projects will not show up in the Upcoming Deliveries widget on the Dashboard

  • Removed old and unused user and role permissions

  • When duplicating a product, the correct product code will be used and won't append a -1,-2, etc to the duplicated product

  • When changing a username in the Manage Users section, the name change will also reflect on projects belonging to that user

  • Visual updates were done to the Product Search screens on a project

  • Supplier Return creation has been updated to behave as expected when there are no lines to be added to a return

  • SageOne: Better sanitization of product codes and descriptions, allowing better and consistent syncs between OrderEazi and SageOne

  • When receiving a Purchase Order the supplier will be clearly displayed on the screen

Last updated