New Project
Create Your Project
Projects are enquiries or sales that you or the Sales Reps are managing. These sales could come from any number of channels, it could have been a client calling in and placing an order that the Sales Rep is building from scratch in the system, or it could be a sale from your online store that has been pushed into OrderEazi.
Create A New Project
1. Click on the New Project Icon
2. Select Company in client details, if the client is new, click on the Plus Button in the company field and add the client's details
3. Update the order details making sure the correct workflow is being used and it is connected to the correct Sales Rep
4. Add the products connected to the project. You will need an SKU, Supplier, Description and Unit Selling price
5. If needed you can add courier details or extra expense items to the project. Once you have added all your products you can click on documents and click on Create Quote
6. You can choose to hide certain information on the quote, update the expiry dates and add comments. Once you are happy click Create. The quote will be sent to the client. You can download the quote by going to the Documents Tab in the project
7. Once the client has accepted the quote you can click on Next Steps, and click on the action that has been completed so that the project can move to the next step 8. Once you have finished all the steps, the Project will move into completed
Last updated