

Order Cancellation

You can now opt-in to attach order cancellation documentation to your project when it is cancelled.

Ship to Address

  • You can now opt in to force the entry ship to address on a project in order to generate quotes.

  • Look for the new setting on a Quote document in a workflow.

  • This setting will apply to all projects created after the workflow has been modified.

Minor updates and fixes

  • You can now trigger feed imports manually

  • Updated the Order History reports to be more accurate (Enterprise license only)

  • Courier report columns have been swapped around to make more sense

  • The customer's currency is now displayed on the customer listing

  • Updates to the display of serialized items on POs and GRVs

  • Updated the Product Search on a project to be more accurate

  • A miscalculation on the markup was corrected

  • Project creation via the API linked the incorrect address to the new project

Last updated