

Document Exports

It is now possible to export all documents generated by OrderEazi to Excel.

The export will follow the same rules that you used to initially create the document, such as hiding your project number or removing zero-cost lines.


We are enhancing OrderEazi to support serialized items in the Sales and Inventory Modules.

We will be testing serialization with select customers in the next few weeks before enabling it for all customers.

If you have questions about this functionality please send us an email, and we will gladly assist.

Customer Statements

It is now possible to use OrderEazi to generate statements for customers.

This is only available for users that are linked to SageOne.

Xero and Standalone customers will have this functionality enabled in the near future.

Project Screen – Layout Updates

We have updated the UI for a project by shifting items slightly and updating the wording.

Please notice the project history is now on the right-hand side of the screen, and see the wording updates for the tabs when viewing a project. (As seen in the image below)

Performance Enhancements

Our team has been working diligently to update and enhance performance, with a particular focus on the Inventory Module.

This latest round of improvements has resulted in significant performance upgrades for customers when viewing screens such as the:

  • Inventory: Stocklevel Listing

  • Inventory: Purchase Order Listing

  • Sales: Workspace

General Fixes and Updates

  • Added the average selling price to the stock-level listing.

  • The warehouse name will not display for non-enterprise users anymore.

  • Corrected an issue where non-enterprise users are not able to create Delivery Notes.

  • Added a zero-cost line for all supported ERPs, except Xero (which does not allow zero costs)

  • Added the ability to filter on a specific workspace section.

  • An error where the menu sometimes became unresponsive to mouse clicks, has been resolved.

  • Excel exports have been enhanced with the following features:

  • Product codes are hidden if hidden on the original document.

  • Zero cost lines are hidden if hidden on the original document.

  • Zero selling costs are hidden if hidden on the original document.

  • Invoices expiry dates and invoice dates are included on the invoices.

  • Project numbers are hidden if hidden on the original document.

  • Box count shows on the GRV.

  • Reference shows on the GRV.

  • Issues with creating service-based items on non-Enterprise instances has been corrected

  • Periodic login failures have been patched.

  • Projects being created by a sales channel will no longer be automatically approved.

Last updated