
Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ)

We are proud to announce that OrderEazi supports minimum order quantities. This functionality is useful when working with pricing tiers linked to product quantities you sell to your customers. You can provide a minimum and maximum quantity for a product (if needed) to ensure that your sales representative stays within the specified quantities. The new functionality will automatically activate on a project if a product with MOQ is detected.

Project Line Visual Updates

It will now be easier to understand if a line on a project has been received, picked and shipped. This functionality will automatically activate if you use Shipping providers available as Apps in OrderEazi or run on the Enterprise license.

Project Line ETAs

You can now add ETAs to project lines individually once you turn on the new setting in Organization Settings called "Enable ETA on projects". The ETAs will only be visible on client documents such as Quotes, Sales Orders and Tax Invoices.

Last updated