

Updated: Reporting Groups

You can now assign multiple reporting groups to a sales rep if they report to different groups. See a new dropdown appear when working on a project if the rep assigned to the projects has more than one reporting group.

Updated: Sales Channels

  • When you set up or edit a sales channel you now have the ability to select if the channel will automatically approve orders sent to it.

  • Sales channels will now appear in the selected colour on your workspace so you can easily differentiate them.

  • Set up a sales channel to send out notifications automatically when a new order is sent.

Minor Updates and Fixes

  • A missing client sync button has been fixed

  • Custom actions on workflow steps now behave correctly when you try to save your selection

  • You will stay on the same page when you create a new product, this allows you to create products faster

  • The sequencing on the item movement report is now chronological up to the second

  • Updating images for a project line now works as expected. You will no longer see previous images in your generated PDF documents

  • We applied minor performance enhancements to the inventory module dashboard

  • You will now be able to view the uploaded artwork on the purchase order view, just like on the GRV view

  • Multiple new endpoints were added to the OrderEazi API

  • Row numbers are no longer missing

  • The GP for a project is now affected when adding expenses

Last updated